SERVEgroup /// Creative Team

PURPOSE /// Your primary purpose is provide an atmosphere for people to enter into the presence of the Lord and learn from his Word, through the use of music, light, media and creative arts.

1. Friendly & Faithful to Christ & others
2. Committed & Compelled by the vision of the church
3. Supportive & Servant-hearted toward the leadership of the church
4. Membership and Background Check is required.
5. Audition & Interview required for musicians & vocalist.
6. Sound Engineer must have previous training and/or experience.

1. Committed: Prepare yourself spiritually. Problem Solve. Partner with your Leader.
2. Core Task: Attend all scheduled meetings, practices, rehearsals, trainings, and sound checks. "Perform" your ministry during church services and special events.
3. Common Sense: Maintain proper appearance. Be on time. Practice and grow in your craft.
***STEP ONE - Attend MAPS Class!***

***STEP TWO - Now that you have completed MAPS - We can't wait to help you find your place to serve! #onthejourney

What areas are you interested in serving?

Please select all that apply.


PURPOSE /// Your primary purpose is provide an atmosphere for people to enter into the presence of the Lord and learn from his Word, through the use of music, light, media and creative arts.

1. Friendly & Faithful to Christ & others
2. Committed & Compelled by the vision of the church
3. Supportive & Servant-hearted toward the leadership of the church
4. Membership and Background Check is required.
5. Audition & Interview required for musicians & vocalist.
6. Sound Engineer must have previous training and/or experience.

1. Committed: Prepare yourself spiritually. Problem Solve. Partner with your Leader.
2. Core Task: Attend all scheduled meetings, practices, rehearsals, trainings, and sound checks. "Perform" your ministry during church services and special events.
3. Common Sense: Maintain proper appearance. Be on time. Practice and grow in your craft.